El efecto del sol sobre un cabello castaño puede dar lugar a las mechas de forma natural, en mi caso al final del verano, suelo tenerlas sin tener que pasar por la peluquería, pero para el resto de cabellos, mas oscuros, o si las queréis lucir durante el veranito, acudir a nuestro salón de belleza favorito, es la mejor opción.
California Wicks are trendy since several years. But it was not until the last one when we saw the most prominent and striking.
The effect of sun on a brown hair can result naturally wicks; in my case, at the end of summer, I usually have them without go to the hairdresser, but for the rest of hairs, darker, or if you want show them off during the summer, we will have to go to our favorite hairdresser.

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