Simof 2012 nos ha hecho ''babear'' a mas de una Andaluza...
He tenido que escoger algunos de los diseños para enseñarlos aquí, pero tengo que decir que no ha sido tarea fácil, en casi todas las colecciones ha habido al menos un modelo del que me he enamorado.
En cuanto a tendencias, vestidos en su mayoría, aunque parece que cada vez mas se incorporan las camisas, flores arriba y al lado indistintamente, colores suaves y sobre todo muchos tejidos lisos y con bordados frente
a los estampados, que son pocos este año.
Los lunares son los reyes como siempre, junto con mantoncillos y flecos, que desde hace unos años, son fijos en cuanto a accesorios se refiere. De nuevo hemos podido ver vestidos cortos que dejan al descubierto nuestro mejor calzado para la feria :D
Por último, destacar algunos de los diseñadores noveles, como han sido Alicia Cáceres, Innova flamenca o Rocio Trigueros, cuyas colecciones me han encantado.
Simof 2012 makes that Andalusian girls go crazy ...
I had to choose some of the designs to teach here, but I have to say it has not been easy, in almost all collections have been at least one model that I love.
As for trends, mostly dresses, but it seems that more and more are incorporated shirts, flowers above and either side, soft colors and especially many plain fabrics and embroidered front to prints, few this year.
''Lunares'' are the kings as always, with shawls and fringes, which in recent years, are fixed in terms of accessories. Again we have seen dresses that expose our best shoes.
Finally, high light some of the new designers, whose collections I loved.
Simof 2012 makes that Andalusian girls go crazy ...
I had to choose some of the designs to teach here, but I have to say it has not been easy, in almost all collections have been at least one model that I love.
As for trends, mostly dresses, but it seems that more and more are incorporated shirts, flowers above and either side, soft colors and especially many plain fabrics and embroidered front to prints, few this year.
''Lunares'' are the kings as always, with shawls and fringes, which in recent years, are fixed in terms of accessories. Again we have seen dresses that expose our best shoes.
Finally, high light some of the new designers, whose collections I loved.


by spg