Voy a empezar por los Españoles Javier y Pénelope, Bardem muy elegante aunque se quedó sin su Oscar por Biutiful, y Penélope con un vestido firmado por L´Wren Scot .

Una de mis favoritas, Natalie Portman, embarazadísima pero igualmente espectacular, con joyas de Tiffanys&co y vestido de Rodarte, al igual que los diseños de la película por la que estaba nominada '' Black swan''
En cuanto a los men in Black , todos ellos nominados a mejor actor principal, destacar al protagonista de la red social,Jesse Eisenberg, muy elegante a pesar de ser el mas jóven de los nominados y al ganador Colin Firth por la película "El discurso del rey".
Otra de las más acertadas y mas elegantes de la noche Cate Blanchett. con un diseño de Givenchy.
Para mi gusto la mas guapa de la noche, aunque el físico no le perjudica, la modelo Camile Alves, actual pareja de Matthew McConaughey, con un diseño de
autor desconocido pero aún asi mi favorito.
Un modelo a destacar fué uno de los numerosos que sacó la presentadora de la gala, Anna Hathaway, con flecos de Oscar de la renta.
La actriz se cambió de vestido en 7 ocasiones. En la imagen luciendo un Givenchy alta costura.
Amy Adams, con un espectacular vestido de L´Wren Scott al igual que nuestra Pe.
La joya mas admirada de la noche, su collar de Cartier.
Es uno de las novedades de este año en cuanto a peinados se refiere, la mayoría se decantaron por melenas sueltas y lisas, mas relajadas que otros confeccionados moños.
La esposa de Tim Burton, Helena Bonham Carter, no es un referente en moda pero si es siempre de las mas admiradas por su originalidad, esta vez lució una bandera inglesa debajo de su vestido firmado por Colleen Atwood, diseñador del vestuario de Alice in Wonderland , quien ganó el premio por el que estaba nominado.

Su melena super despeinada fué de las mas comentadas de la noche.
Dos que no me gustaron en absoluto Nicole Kidman y Sandra Bullock, ésta última no me suele gustar en cuanto a vestuario se refiere pero Kidman suele ser muy elegante, esta vez creo que se equivocó.
En definitiva, yo creo que estan todas guapisimas y espectaculares. Pero..
¿ Quien de nosotras no estaría espectacular con un vestido de Marchesa y joyas de cartier de millon de euros?
Espero vuestra opinión.
How it could not be of another form, my entry of this week is going to be dedicated to the fabulous modelitos of the Oscars of 2011 and to not so guessed right, in what to my opinion it refers.
I am going to begin for the Spanish Javier and Pénelope, very elegant Bardem though it remained without his Oscar for Biutiful, and Penélope with a garment signed by L'Wren Scot.
I do not like the garment anything, I see it slightly elegant with a too pronounced neckline, in spite of this it is radiant illuminating jewels of chopard valued for a million dollars.
One of my favorites, Natalie Portman, embarazadísima but equally spectacular, with jewels of Tiffanys*co and garment of Rolling Yourself, as the designs of the movie for which was nominated " Black swan "
As for the men in Black, all of them nominated to better principal actor, to emphasize the protagonist of the social network, Jesse Eisenberg, very elegant in spite of being the young mas of the nominated ones and the winner Colin Firth for the movie " The speech of the king ".
Other one of the most guessed right and mas elegant of the night Fail Blanchett. with Givenchy's design.
For my taste the handsome mas of the night, though the physicist does not harm him, the model Camile Alves, current pair of Matthew McConaughey, with a design of unknown but still like that author my favorite.
A model to standing out was one of the numerous ones that there extracted the presenter of the show, Anna Hathaway, with Oscar's bangs of the revenue.
The actress changed of garment into 7 occasions. In the image illuminating a Givenchy high seam.
Amy Adams, with L'Wren Scott's spectacular garment as our Pe.
The jewel mas admired of the night, his Cartier's necklace
The most elegant Gwyneth Paltrow with Calvin Klein's design, illuminated a super brilliant and super smooth lock.
It is one of the innovations of this year as for hairdoes refers, the majority there were praised by free and smooth locks, mas relaxed that other made buns.
The wife of Tim Burton, Helena Bonham Carter, is not a modal in mode but if it is always of the mas admired by his originality, this time illuminated an English flag under his garment signed by Colleen Atwood, designer of Alice's wardrobe in Wonderland, who gained the prize for the one that was Nominated
Always sexy Scarlett was not of the mas succeeded under my point of view, with a design of Dolce and Gabanna. Though the garment seems to me to be precious, with a super elaborated lace, it does not stop pleasing the color.
His super deshevelled lock was of the mas commented of the night.
Two that I did not like by no means Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock, the latter is not in the habit of pleasing me as for wardrobe refers but Kidman is in the habit of being very elegant, this time I believe that he was wrong.
Definitively, I believe that they are spectacular. But..
The one who of us would not be spectacular with a garment de Marchesa and jewels of cartier of million Euros?
I wait for your opinion.